The Sarasota Shell Club welcomes all who wish to share their love of seashells. Membership fees are due between September 1st and November 1st of each year. Members receive a name badge, membership roster, and the monthly club newsletter, The Beauii, via email. The newsletter may be sent via US mail for an additional annual charge of $15 per household.
New Members: $30 for a single membership, $40 for a family residing at the same address, and $10 for minors under age 18.
Renewals: $25 for a single membership, $30 for a family, and $10 for minors.
A membership roster is published yearly for club members who give their permission for their personal information to be included. This roster is available to members on this website at no cost. See “Member Login” at the top of the page.
To Join: Print and fill out the membership form and mail it with payment made out to Sarasota Shell Club to:
Sarasota Shell Club
Attention: Lisa Kinney
17052 Coral Key Drive
Nokomis, FL 34275
Add $15 if you would like the newsletter mailed.
Prospective members also may attend a club meeting and bring the membership form and dues in the form of a check to join. Name badges will be available approximately 4 weeks after the application has been processed and can be picked up at the next club meeting. Replacement badges are $6.50.
Questions? Email [email protected]
Interested In Joining?
If you are interested in joining or membership questions, email us!